1x, 3x, 6x, 12x Rummy Nose Rasbora Striking Nano Fish live Fish Freshwater Fish
Note: WE SHIP MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS ONLY. YOU MUST SELECT 1 TO 2 DAY SHIPPING FOR DOA Guarantee: We pack either Heat packs or cold packs depending on destination (if you can include a note with temperatures in your area that would be appreciated) We try NOT to ship close to the weekends to avoid holds, but this too depends on the final destination We want your experience here to be as positive as possible. You have taken the time to purchase from us and chosen to spend your money with us. To this end our DOA Guarantee: Must Send Photos of fish in the sealed bag and then photos of fish on napkin or paper towel outside of bag within 2 HOURS OF DELIVERY Time Stamp. DOA Refunds DO NOT INCLUDE SHIPPING COSTS. We ship as fast as we can and at times it may mean we have to use 2 or 3 business days to prepare your order. If for any reason we are out of stock after you placed an order, we will give you a FULL REFUND.
Pricing GUARANTEE: We have no problem showing you. We
want you to feel confidentYOU have gotten OUR
BEST PRICE, PERIOD! Our Cost per Fish: $3.17 (For 3 Fish $9.51)
Packaging Costs( Box, Styrofoam, Heat Pack or ice Pack, Tape & time): $3.25
Ebay Fees: $5.95 Total Costs and fees (excluding shipping): $18.71
Our approximate Profit (Shipping Varies): $3.02 (We appreciate your support immensely!)
- **Elegant Appearance:** Their sleek and streamlined body shape, combined with their distinct coloration, makes them a visually appealing addition to any tank.
- **Community Compatibility:** Peaceful and sociable, Rummy Nose Rasboras thrive in community tanks and get along well with other peaceful fish species.
- **Schooling Behavior:** These Rasboras are known for their tight-knit schooling behavior, adding movement and dynamism to your aquarium.
- **Easy Care:** Low-maintenance and adaptable, making them suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists.
- **Quality Nutrition:** Offer a varied diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp to ensure their optimal health and coloration.
- **Fast Shipping:** Your Live Rummy Nose Rasbora will be carefully packed and swiftly delivered to your doorstep, ensuring their safety and well-being.